Stathis Family History
The Memory of God  

God’s Presence always has been, always is – everywhere, and always will be.


Somewhere in the midst of all that, our identity was conceived within this spectrum of God’s consciousness. In the Universe-without-end, God is conscious of everything, even that of the laws of the forces of nature, the laws of existence which has brought all things into existence.


Because Love is the Cause of all flowing forth from God, as reason for all coming into being, Love is the force of the streams of the flow of all things into the motion of Time.


Because God so cared for Creation, then to Care for all life, becomes the law of the reason for being for all humanity. Said another way: The purpose of life is to care for the positive progression of all life.


All which is done in Love and Care exists in God and has no end. Though the presence of an individual life departs from the screen of the existence of all life around, the love and care that has connected this life to other lives, lives on in the consciousness of those on Earth, lives on in the Soul of the one risen from the Earth, and lives on in the consciousness of God, the Presence of all that exists that is good.


To be known of God, we turn to God, turn-over to God, all that we have in concern, in care, in love for others.


Being conscious of God’s Presence, conscious in communication with God, conscious of God having attention upon us, or of God receiving us, this occurs at various levels at various times, and as a result of varying circumstances.


That Family love, and care for one another, emerges from the intrinsic nature of all life, gives meaning to our lives, and if the thinking and feeling is aright, connects us in understanding of God’s Presence in so many aspects of all that gives us meaning through the love experienced in Family. So, in this way, God is conscious of us as individuals, and God is aware of us as Family, that is, aware of us in all that we are connected to in our expressions and works of love and care.


The Law of Cause and Effect, is a Law to which God cannot alter, for it is a foundation upon which existence has come into being. This is true of Laws in the forces of Nature. God cannot alter that which has been set-forth by which life has unfolded. Coming to know the Laws of Nature, and acting in accordance to these Laws in expression of the purpose of all life, to care for all life, is the guide to a life lived in the intent of God.


The Law of Free Will, that individuality exists because of the free will of the individual within the laws of nature, like the law of cause and effect, for example, is at the root of the complexities of life, and the negativities in the world. Sustaining the good, expanding upon the good, preserving the good, acknowledges free will decisions that expand upon the presence of God in the Earthly realm. This includes preserving the memory of the events of “good conquering evil,” or of compassion guiding life out of sadness and darkness.


So, it is believed herein that our lives are greater because of family, because of the natural love among family, that the stories of lives of family have meaning to us as a connection to that which is already as presence in the memory of God; or in other words, that we tune-into the Presence of God, communicate with the Memory of God, as we identify ourselves with the life of family, of love and care, to which we have been born within or become part of, in the lives we now lead.


